GM Tube Conversion Factor Calculator

Select tube:
or input data from tube datasheet:


? µR/s
? µR/h
? µSv/s
? µSv/h
? CPM → µR/h ratio
? CPM → µSv/h ratio used by DIYGeigerCounter
? CPM → µR/s ratio
? CPM → µSv/s ratio
? CPS → µR/h ratio
? CPS → µSv/h ratio
? CPS → µR/s ratio
? CPS → µSv/s ratio
? CPS → 10 µSv/h (1 mR/h) ratio used by Geiger Bot
? CPS/uR/s used in most soviet tube datasheets

The Geiger-Muller tube (also known as a Geiger counter) is a device used to detect and measure ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. The conversion factor, in the context of a Geiger-Muller tube, is a value that represents the relationship between the number of electrical pulses generated by the tube and the amount of ionizing radiation it detects.

The conversion factor is typically given in terms of counts per unit of radiation exposure or dose. It is specific to the type of radiation being detected and the particular characteristics of the Geiger-Muller tube. The conversion factor allows you to convert the electrical pulses produced by the tube into a meaningful measure of radiation exposure, such as dose in units like roentgens (R) or sieverts (Sv).

It's important to note that the conversion factor can vary between different types of Geiger-Muller tubes and the specific radiation being detected. Therefore, it's essential to use the appropriate conversion factor for your specific application and radiation source to get an accurate measurement of radiation exposure or dose.